Tag: TruthInIT.com

How can I find my files? Bring file "order from chaos" w. Cloudtenna

The Big Picture: Finding files is a hassle. Where did I store that file? What directory, what folder, what storage location, what cloud, what location? In this brief video, learn how Cloudtenna catalogs file activity…and machine learning, to help pro… …

Make a custom #SSD for me w. Burlywood

The Big Picture: SSD's have been looked at as a commodity in storage arrays but, what if you've got special requirements…and need unique workload-based attributes in your storage? If you're a cloud scale infrastructure or services provider then ha…


How can I handle the massive amount of unstructured data better? (with Aparavi)

The Big Picture: You've got backup data. And it's for recovery but…it also can be used for other purposes too. The workflow for archival, cloud mobility and other use cases can now be created based on the type of data …

X-IO Storage and adjustable data de-dupe in All Flash Arrays

Chat w. Bill Miller, CEO of XIO about how they enable you to tune the data reduction functionality so you can turn it off for volumes of data that aren't very reducable. That saves alot of overhead, especially when data …

How to make big data self-service for your users

Notable Quote: (Kelly Stirman of Dremio): “Companies have huge, huge amounts of data, but it’s spread across many different systems, and it seems like, for decades, the answer to the problem was, “Hey, just move all your data into a …

Primary Storage, Secondary Storage, Backup & DR—all as a service

The Big Picture: The convergence of storage…be it primary or secondary…with services designed to protect that data is a huge benefit today. Toss in a mix of on-prem, off-prem, public and private cloud…with the ability to seamlessly protect and ac… …