Tag: software defined

Out on a data storage market limb: Six predictions for 2015

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.

Our crystal ball tells us this will be a year of change for the data storage market.

With another year just getting underway, we here at Taneja Group felt we needed a …

‘Software-defined’ to define data center of the future

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

Software-defined means many — sometimes conflicting — things to many people. At the core, it means letting the application control its resources.

Is there a real answer for how “software” can define …

EMC Charts An Intelligent Path Through The Hedges: More ViPR, Flash And Big Data

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

After the big gush and splash of days in Vegas at EMCWorld 2014, we have had a few days to chew on the news and have come up with some …

What is Software Defined Storage?  EMC ViPR announced at EMCWorld 2013

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Here at EMC World 2013, one of the biggest themes is “software defined” storage. Much like the vague overuse of “cloud” as a marketing description, the term “software defined” is …