Tag: privacy

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Tech Top 6 – IT Is ALL About Data – Privacy to Literacy w/guest Piyanka Jain CEO of Aryng

The IT Weekly Newsletter is one of the best deals for IT professionals available – it’s FREE! Join Small World Big Data’s famous IT industry analyst Mike Matchett for a great overview of the best six tech articles curated this …

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Tech Top 6 – Fighting Evil AI, Snooze Fest Preso’s and Privacy Gaps

Warren and I enthusiastically discuss the latest top IT Weekly Newsletter articles:

  • Adopting Augmented Reality (AR/VR)
  • Really Evil AI
  • (Healthcare) Security Trenches
  • AI Data Centers
  • Storytelling Skills
  • Privacy Stats

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Internet of things data security proves vital in digitized world

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchITOperations.

Securing IoT data should become a priority as more companies manipulate the volumes produced by these devices. Seemingly innocuous information could allow privacy invasions.

Mike Matchett

The data privacy and access discussion …

Nowhere To Hide

Your life so far has been a big data trail for someone else to mine.

Google took what was essentially crumbs of data left by millions (billions?) of people as they navigated around the internet, compiled and analyzed it into …