Tag: HPE

image of anime character in pilot uniform standing in front of large mech

Private AI, We Salute You!

So VMware made the case this morning that data privacy is the big obstacle in the way of enterprises leveraging new generative AI solutions (e.g., ChatGPT). If “private AI” is so important especially with generative AI (genAI) large language models …

HyperConverged v.s. Hybrid Cloud

Has someone been telling you that HyperConverged Infrastructure, known as HCI, is the same thing as Hybrid Cloud infrastructure? Yeah? Well, no, it’s not. I just published a longer article on how they are related (and are also very different) …

HPE Welcomes You To The Machine!

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine
Where have you been?   -Pink Floyd

…(read the full post)…