Author: Mike Matchett

VMware Adds Hadoop into vSphere with Big Data Extensions

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

VMware announced vSphere Big Data Extensions this week, which might at first seem to be just a productizing of some open source Hadoop deployment software, but if you dig in …

How Many Eyeballs Does It Take?  New Network Performance Insight with Thousand Eyes

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

How many eyeballs does it take to really see into and across your whole network – internal and external?  Apparently a “thousand” according to Thousand Eyes, who is coming …

Virtualizing Browser Apps – Mobolize Makes the Web Work Offline

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

It’s really a quite interesting way to optimize browser-based users. Mobilize‘s product line is CacheFront, which as it sounds puts an enhanced secure cache on endpoint “browsers” to minimize …

What is Software Defined Storage?  EMC ViPR announced at EMCWorld 2013

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Here at EMC World 2013, one of the biggest themes is “software defined” storage. Much like the vague overuse of “cloud” as a marketing description, the term “software defined” is …

MRAM technology likely choice as post-flash solid-state storage

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchSolidStateStorage.

NAND flash-based storage is becoming a common alternative, but NAND flash could soon be replaced by newer forms of non-volatile memory like MRAM technology.

article_MRAM-technology-likely-choice-as-post-flash-solid-state-storageFlash storage is everywhere these days. It’s hard …

Revitalizing MySQL – Tokutek Open Sources TokuDB High Performance Engine

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Many companies, startups and regular enterprises, have relied on MySQL over the years as a low cost (open source or supported versions) yet highly reliable relational database. Yet in these …