Author: Mike Matchett

Big Data Enterprise Maturity

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

It’s time to look at big data again. Last week I was at Cloudera’s growing and vibrant annual analyst event to hear the latest from the folks who know what’s …

Google Drives a Stake Into The Human Heart? – AlphaGo Beats Human Go Champion

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Google’s AlphaGo program has just whipped a top human Go playing champion (Lee Sedol – a 9 Dan ranked pro and winner of many top titles) four games to one …

Accelerating Cloud Transformation with Microsoft StorSimple’s New Virtual Appliance

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

We’ve always admired StorSimple from before Microsoft acquired them. And what was Microsoft up to, getting into the storage infrastructure space?  Well, if it wasn’t apparent before it is now …

Assimilate converged IT infrastructure into the data center

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

I feel like the Borg from Star Trek when I proclaim that “IT convergence is inevitable.”

Converged IT infrastructure, the tight vendor integration of multiple IT resources like servers and storage, is …

Scale-out architecture and new data protection capabilities in 2016

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

January was a time to make obvious predictions and short-lived resolutions. Now is the time for intelligent analysis of the shark-infested waters of high tech. The new year is an auspicious time …

2016 Storage Predictions from Matchett’s Crystal Ball

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

I’ve recently published some 2016 storage market trends and predictions in various publications. Here is a brief summary of what’s showing up in my storage crystal ball:

…(read the full