Author: Mike Matchett

Server Powered Storage: Intelligent Storage Arrays Gain Server Superpowers

An IT industry analyst article published by Infostor.

At Taneja Group we are seeing a major trend within IT to leverage server and server-side resources to the maximum extent possible. Servers themselves have become commodities, and dense memory, server-side flash, …

Big data and IoT benefit from machine learning, AI apocalypse not imminent

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchITOperations.

Suddenly, everybody is talking about machine learning, AI bots and deep learning. It’s showing up in new products to look at “call home data,” in cloud-hosted optimization services and

Get the most from cloud-based storage services

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.

We have been hearing about the inevitable transition to the cloud for IT infrastructure since before the turn of the century. But, year after year, storage shops quickly become focused on only …

Diamanti Reveals Hyperconverged Scale-out Appliances for Containers

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Diamanti (pre-launch known as has recently rolled out their brand new hyperconverged “container” appliances. Why would containers, supposedly able to be fluidly hosted just about anywhere, need a specially …

CI and disaggregated server tech can converge after all

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

I’ve talked about the inevitability of infrastructure convergence, so it might seem like I’m doing a complete 180 degree turn by introducing the opposite trend of infrastructure: aggregation. Despite appearances, disaggregated server …

Evaluating hyper-converged architectures: Five key CIO considerations

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchCio.

Plain IT convergence offers IT organizations a major convenience — integrated and pre-assembled stacks of heterogeneous vendor infrastructure, including servers, storage and networking gear, that help accelerate new deployments and quickly support …