Author: Mike Matchett

Survey Spotlights Top 5 Data Storage Pain Points

An IT industry analyst article published by Enterprise Storage Forum.

by Mike Matchett,

The Enterprise Storage Forum survey uncovered the biggest challenges storage professionals have with their existing storage infrastructure: aging gear, lack of capacity, high operations cost, security, maintenance

Survey Results: Cloud Storage Takes Off, Flash Cools Off

An IT industry analyst article published by Enterprise Storage Forum.

By Mike Matchett,

The Enterprise Storage Survey results show that the biggest storage budget line item is cloud storage, although HDDs still hold more data. We explore why cloud is

Nutanix hyper-converged Flows into multi-cloud and more

An IT industry analyst article published by Search Converged Infrastructure.

With the introduction of Flow, Beam and Era, Nutanix has made a clear statement that it’s aiming for a comprehensive Nutanix enterprise cloud OS.

Mike Matchett
Small World Big Data…

Overcome the Unstructured Data Tsunami with Aparavi

Unstructured data has overtaken structured data in terms of capacity utilization of most datacenters. It's on a growth path that makes storing and protecting it unsustainable, especially with the expecations today's customers and users have for acces…

Original video (with

Mixed Application Workloads in Hyperconverged Infrastructures with Pivot3

The Big Picture: How do you support multiple mixed application workloads on a shared infrastructure like hyperconverged? In this short video, Mike Matchett meets with Mike Koponen from Pivot3 to learn how they address this issue.  Transcript: – Hi. I'… …

What is the Software Defined Perimeter? With Meta Networks (@metanaas)

Software Defined Perimeters. What does that mean? We're talking about how you enforce security when you're no longer just inside your data center? When you've got people using apps on the Internet, you've got people using SaaS services and apps …