Mining the Data Your Clients Produce: Glassbeam SCALAR Lights Up Value

Mining the Data Your Clients Produce: Glassbeam SCALAR Lights Up Value

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

This week Glassbeam announced a new solution for vendors whose products in the hands of clients produce mountains of potentially valuable “back-end” data. Mining that data which can include streams of ongoing customer site configurations, usage, status, location or really any relevant sensor results can help drive vastly better customer support and satisfaction, new and timely revenue opportunities, and better informed product management decisions.  It might seem straightforward to extract value out of big data once you have it, but trying to “home grow” processing and coherent analysis of PB’s of “multi-structured” files to feed all those business processes by using IT logfile utilities or low-level Hadoop coding could take a big effort and fall far short of spectacular. 

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