Tag: TruthInIT.com

What does your network's behavior reveal about security? (With @SS8)

SS8 uses recursive analytics to model network behavior from the app to the endpoint. If anomalies are detected and threhsholds are reached, alerts are issued. The company supports the largest telcos and government intelligence agencies today among othe…

Original video

Hyperconverged architecture combined w. scale out backup & cloud DR

Mike Matchett: Hi, I'm Mike Matchett with Small World, Big Data. I'm here today with Craig Nunes from Datrium. Craig, welcome to the show. Craig Nunes: Thanks for having me today. Mike Matchett: Yeah. We're going to talk a little …

How to put NAS storage in the cloud @SoftNAS

Mike Matchet: Hi. I'm Mike Matchet, Small World Big Data. I'm here today with Rick Braddy, Founder, CEO and CTO of Softnas and we're going to talk a little bit about what Softnas is doing in the Cloud with their …

How can you avoid vendor lock-in in your cloud strategy? w. Zerto

Video Summary: CIO's are actively pursuing strategies to leverage public cloud so they achieve maximum flexibility. The flexibility to choose which provider and to migrate between providers is paramount. In this short video podcast, Zerto explains how…

Original video (with

How to securely manage endpoints in hospital environments w. @Igel_Technology

Because healthcare has such tremendous disparity in endpoints and because healthcare data has become so valuable for hackers, endpoint security in these environments is critical. In this short video podcast, we speak to IGEL and learn why their archite…


Using machine learning across data lakes with @IoTahoe

How machine learning can help insight and visibility with data lakes? In this short video podcast, we learn about a new disruptive player, IO-Tahoe and learn how this data management platform can affect both structured and unstructured data so you …