Tag: TruthInIT.com

BlueCat: Managing DNS, DHCP, IPAM

Interview with Andrew Wertkin, CPO of BlueCat Networks. BlueCat is focused on on DNS, DHCP and IPAM: DDI, the acronym of acronyms. These these three things fundamentally go together and managing them together makes a great deal of sense. BlueCat …

Verified Backups: Reliable restores for in-flux databases

Are you verifying the integrity of your databases or just ritualistically restoring them? How do you know if your backups will have what you need when you need them?

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted at TruthInIT.com

The DDN/Tintri Marriage: Where enterprise meets at-scale

Can a mid-range HPC product for the enterprise also be a secondary storage / active archive for at-scale customers? DDN discusses the flexibility of having enterprise features and applying them in a more intelligent way at-scale.

Original video (with full

Aunalytics: Embedding security functions into managed services and IT management

The world of data is changing, and we no longer have defined parameters as to where our data lives. So why are you managing your security and data separately?

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted at TruthInIT.com

Hornetsecurity – 365 Threat Monitor Free App

Did you know that Microsoft 365 lets email threats – such as ransomware, phishing and spam, enter your users’ inboxes? We recently caught up with Andy Syrewicze, Technical Evangelist at Hornetsecurity, with whom we discussed the security needed for M36… …

Engagement, Service Delivery & Operations…Global Reach & Localized Expertise

Logicalis and Cisco discuss the challenges and solutions for managing and deploying complex, international IT deployments.

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted at TruthInIT.com

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