Tag: TruthInIT.com

Wallaroo: Keeping Machine Learning in Production

When data is stuck in development, precious time and ROI are wasted. Wallaroo AI is an enterprise platform for production AI and facilitates the last mile of your machine learning journey.

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted

Couchbase Capella: Fully Managed Database-as-a-Service

Scott Anderson, Sr. VP at Couchbase, introduces us to the newest Couchbase service, Capella, a fully managed and automated service with comprehensive monitoring and support for databases.

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted at TruthInIT.com

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StorONE S1:Backup Ends Vulnerabilities to Ransomware

StorOne is already a player in the software-defined higher performance storage space, so why are they getting into backups? Mike Matchett sits down with George Crump, Chief Marketing Officer at StorOne, to discuss their latest entry into backups.

Original video

Oxeye: Cloud-Native Application Security Testing

Security testing that works for monolithic and virtualized apps does not work in a containerized world. There could be a whole new world of hacks out there that we don’t even know about yet. There is a lot of vulnerability, …

Secure Message, Voice, Video w. End-to-End Encryption

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted at TruthInIT.com

Browse related videos on the Small World Big Data channel at TruthInIT

Overcome Performance, Security, Privacy Challenges w. 3rd Party Tools

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted at TruthInIT.com

Browse related videos on the Small World Big Data channel at TruthInIT