Tag: Software Defined Storage

Storage technologies evolve toward a data-processing platform

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

Emerging technologies such as containers, HCI and big data have blurred the lines between compute and storage platforms, breaking down traditional IT silos.

Mike Matchett

With the rise of software-defined storage, in …

Are all software-defined storage vendors the same?

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

What does software-defined storage mean? How is it implemented? And why does it matter for data center managers?

Software-defined storage is an overused and under-defined term, but the general idea is to …

Storage Virtualization Meets Software Defined Storage: EMC ViPR 1.0

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

EMC recently GA’d a first version of ViPR. Many storage folks are not still clear about what ViPR is all about.  Is it just storage virtualization repackaged to augment EMC’s …