News & Analysis

Nothing’s Too Fast for Operational Intelligence – ScaleOut Software’s hServer

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

There are a lot of HPC technologies coming soon to a data center near you! The latest offering from ScaleOut Software, known for their in-memory data grid solutions, is …

Big Data for Business Analysts: How IT Can Deliver With Hadoop and Platfora

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Today Platfora announced their first GA release of their in-memory BI platform built over Hadoop. If you’ve been thinking about how to leverage big data in your company – how …

Converged Infrastructure, or ‘Where Did All the Silos Go?’

An IT industry analyst article published by Virtualization Review.

Quite a few companies are mashing up server, storage, networking and even the hypervisor into turnkey solutions that can scale up or down as data center needs dictate.

Deep and Broad – Following IO from VM through SAN with Virtual Instruments

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Recently we had the pleasure to conduct an in-depth field study for Virtual Instruments (VI) in which we got to interview, without interference, six of their large enterprise customers spanning …

Accelerating Persistent VDI with RAM and Replication

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

Atlantis Computing has won a bunch of awards for its ILIO Diskless VDI solution in which all the IO for stateless (i.e. transient/temporary) desktops are serviced completely out of de-duped …

Is Hadoop the New Data Center Platform for All Data?

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

This morning we were able to attend EMC Greenplum’s launch of their new Hadoop distro called Pivotal HD. Core to this distro is HAWQ, their new massively parallel processing …