Author: Mike

Big Data Defined by the V’s

There are lots of definitions of Big Data. Most of them are fuzzy marketing speak along the lines of “Big Data is just bigger than your old data, too big to deal with the same way you dealt with …

Nowhere To Hide

Your life so far has been a big data trail for someone else to mine.

Google took what was essentially crumbs of data left by millions (billions?) of people as they navigated around the internet, compiled and analyzed it into …

It Is a Small (and connected) World

Despite bigger and bigger data, the world is a small place and it is full of people. Increasingly networked people. I like Clay Shirky’s thinking in Here Comes Everybody  about new ways people online can gather and form loose communities …

It Is a Small World After All

It is no longer news that companies can (and must) look for competitive advantage and innovative, even disruptive, opportunities in their “big data”. We are flooded daily with press releases about new big data technology, much of it designed to …

Who Will Drive Data Driven Documents?

Check out this javascript library D3 for “Data Driven Documents” (D3 on Github).  At first D3 seems to be just yet another way to add graphs and charts to web pages, but if you spend a few minutes …

MongoDB – Storing Big Data Documents

If a Big Data set (or smaller data) is in the form of documents, then it’s difficult to store them in a traditional schema-defined row and column database. Sure, you can create large blob fields to hold large arbitrary chunks …