Author: Mike Matchett

Kudu Might Be Invasive: Cloudera Breaks Out Of HDFS

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

For the IT crowd just now getting to used to the idea of big data’s HDFS (Hadoop’s Distributed File System) and it’s peculiarities, there is another alternative open source big …

Will container virtualization be the biggest data center trend of 2016?

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchServerVirtualization.

It’s hard to predict what the biggest thing to hit the data center will be in 2016. Big data? Hyper-convergence? Hybrid cloud? I’ve decided that this is the year that containers will …

What’s the future of data storage in 2016?

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.

It’s hard to make stunning predictions on the future of data storage that are certain to come true, but it’s that time of year and I’m going to step out on that …

Hyperconvergence for ROBOs and the Datacenter — Virtualization Review

An IT industry analyst article published by Virtualization Review.

Convergence is a happy word to a lot of busy IT folks working long hours still standing up large complex stacks of infrastructure (despite having virtualized their legacy server sprawl), much …

Filling In With Flash – Tintri Offers Smaller All Flash For Hungry VMs

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

In 2015 we finally saw VVOLs start to roll out, yet VVOL support varies widely and so far hasn’t been as impressive as we’d have thought. Perhaps VMware’s own Virtual …

Time To Use The Force, IT! – OpsDataStore Unifies Systems Management Data

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

We are only a bit excited by the impending Star Wars release. How old were we when the first one came out? I’m not saying. We are all very excited …