Author: Mike Matchett

Video: Why Facebook and the NSA love the graph database

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

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Video: Mike Matchett explains how the storage management landscape is evolving

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

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Internet of things data security proves vital in digitized world

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchITOperations.

Securing IoT data should become a priority as more companies manipulate the volumes produced by these devices. Seemingly innocuous information could allow privacy invasions.

Mike Matchett

The data privacy and access discussion …

SQL Server machine learning goes full throttle on operational data

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchSQLServer.

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in IT, and Microsoft has made strides to synchronize SQL Server with machine learning tools for use in analyzing operational data pipelines.

Mike Matchett

One of …

Big data concerns reach broad and deep in new era of applications

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchITOperations.

Big data is out there, waiting to make you rich — or help your organization succeed anyway. But there are still more unknowns than knowns about the future of big data.

Mike …

Cloud, IoT to drive enterprise IT trends in 2017

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchCloudComputing.

Cloud computing has evolved quite a bit in the last few years, but it still has far to go. Technologies such as big data, containers and IoT will have a big