Author: Mike Matchett

Storage technologies evolve toward a data-processing platform

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

Emerging technologies such as containers, HCI and big data have blurred the lines between compute and storage platforms, breaking down traditional IT silos.

Mike Matchett

With the rise of software-defined storage, in …

Enterprise cloud storage boosted by Oracle Cloud Converged Storage

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchOracle.

Hybrid cloud storage systems sound great in theory. So why has it taken vendors so long to produce one that’s actually ‘hybrid’?

Mike Matchett

True hybrid enterprise cloud storage systems promise the …

Data center storage architecture gets smarter with AI

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.

Trends, such as event-triggered computing, as exemplified by Lambda Architectures, converge on data center storage to hasten data center intelligence evolution.

Mike Matchett

Infrastructure is getting smarter by the day. It’s reached …

Accelerate Apache Spark to boost big data platforms

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchITOperations.

Big data platforms like Apache Spark process massive volumes of data faster than other options. As data volumes grow, enterprises seek ways to speed up Spark.

Mike Matchett

So, we have data …

Smarter storage starts with analytics

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.

Storage smartens up to keep pace with data-intensive business applications embedding operational analytics capabilities.

Mike Matchett

The amount of data available to today’s enterprise is staggering. Yet the race to collect and …

Actual Hybrid of Enterprise Storage and Public Cloud? Oracle creates a Cloud Converged System

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

What’s a Cloud Converged system? It is really what us naive people thought hybrid storage was all about all along.  Yet until now no high performance enterprise class storage ever …