Author: Mike Matchett

What’s a Software Defined Data Center? – Pensa Aims Really High

This week Pensa came out of their stealthy development phase to announce the launch of their company and their Pensa Maestro cloud-based (SaaS) platform, accessible today through an initial service offering called Pensa Lab. The technology here has great …

Open source strategies bring benefits, but don’t rush in

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.

Before your organization can reap the benefits of open source, it’s important to understand your options and map out a plan that will guarantee success.

Mike Matchett
Small World Big Data

It’s …

Cloudy Object Storage Mints Developer Currency

Having just been to VMWorld 2017 and getting pre-briefs for Strata Data NY coming up soon, I’ve noticed a few hot trends aiming to help foster cross-cloud, multi-cloud, hybrid operations. Among these are

  1. A focus on centralized management for both

What’s a Multi-cloud Really?  Some Insider Notes from VMworld 2017

(Excerpt from original post on the Taneja Group News Blog)

As comfortable 65-70 degree weather blankets New England here as we near end of summer, flying into Las Vegas for VMworld at 110 degrees seemed like dropping into hell. Last …

The power and benefits of encouraging IT disruption

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.

IT can’t remain a reactive cost center and cheerful help desk, but must become a competitive, cutthroat service provider and powerful champion of emerging disruptive technology.

Mike Matchett
Small World Big Data…

Persistent data storage in containerized environments

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.

The most significant challenge to the rise of containerized applications is quickly and easily providing enterprise-class persistent storage for containers.

Mike Matchett

The pace of change in IT is staggering. Fast growing …