Author: Mike Matchett

Is This The Dawn of Desktop HPC?

Computing power increases and footprint decreases to such an extent we can scale up compute and storage at the edge which could be your watch, phone or desktop.

Original video (with full player and complete transcript) posted at


Who's Watching the Watchmen?

Machine Learning is starting to weave its way into production operations but, who monitors the models the algorithms are based on? As models are implemented and ever increasing amounts of information, devices and applications are affected, do we need a… …

Strata Conference Takeaway: What is Pragmatic Machine Learning

Data scientists traditionally have used machine learning in a sandbox mode and generated really cool insights but limited operational and market value. That is changing and in this short video learn with Mike Matchett of Small World Big Data.


Can You Really Afford Reliable Data Protection?

Part 2 in a series of posts about Data Protection as a Service… (Also posted on Cobalt Iron’s blog)

Mike Matchett, Small World Big Data

In IT there are well-known (and never 100% avoidable) risks that justify rock solid …

Operationalizing Data Scientists with Metis Machine

Data scientiests work on alot of very cool technologies, algorithms and code libraries and much of it incubates in research regardless of the industrial sector. In this short video learn about a platform data scientists can use to collaborate with …

Big Data: Your System of Action vs. Record

Big data platforms are becoming the landing place for data from a variety of ingest points. These platforms may not yet be creating or housing the businesse's system of record but they're fast on the way to doing so. In …