Get the most from cloud-based storage services

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.
We have been hearing about the inevitable transition to the cloud for IT infrastructure since before the turn of the century. But, year after year, storage shops quickly become focused on only that year’s prioritized initiatives, which tend to be mostly about keeping the lights on and costs low. A true vision-led shift to cloud-based storage services requires explicit executive sponsorship from the business side of an organization. But unless you cynically count the creeping use of shadow IT as an actual strategic directive to do better as an internal service provider, what gets asked of you is likely — and unfortunately — to perform only low-risk tactical deployments or incremental upgrades.
Not exactly the stuff of business transformations.
Cloud adoption at a level for maximum business impact requires big executive commitment. That amount of commitment is, quite frankly, not easy to generate.
…(read the complete as-published article there)