Big data analytics applications impact storage systems

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchStorage.
Whether driven by direct competition or internal business pressure, CIOs, CDOs and even CEOs today are looking to squeeze more value, more insight and more intelligence out of their data. They no longer can afford to archive, ignore or throw away data if it can be turned into a valuable asset. At face value, it might seem like a no-brainer — “we just need to analyze all that data to mine its value.” But, as you know, keeping any data, much less big data, has a definite cost. Processing larger amounts of data at scale is challenging, and hosting all that data on primary storage hasn’t always been feasible.
Historically, unless data had some corporate value — possibly as a history trail for compliance, a source of strategic insight or intelligence that can optimize operational processes — it was tough to justify keeping it. Today, thanks in large part to big data analytics applications, that thinking is changing. All of that bulky low-level bigger data has little immediate value, but there might be great future potential someday, so you want to keep it — once it’s gone, you lose any downstream opportunity.
…(read the complete as-published article there)