What does the next big thing in technology mean for the data center?

An IT industry analyst article published by SearchDataCenter.
With modern technology, it’s hard to pinpoint one single next big thing, but there are plenty of options ready to wreak havoc on the data center.
There are plenty of technologies touted as the next big thing. Big data, flash, high-performance computing, in-memory processing, NoSQL, virtualization, convergence, software-defined whatever all represent wild new forces that could bring real disruption but big opportunities to your local data center.
As a senior analyst at Taneja Group, I will discuss what we learn in ongoing IT industry research. We specialize in analyzing disruptive new technologies — figuring out the opportunities they present and identifying what will actually work in practice.
We must get past the marketing hype and weed through conflicting messages from competing vendors. In their enthusiasm, brash startups can make grossly exaggerated claims, while larger incumbents might introduce fear, uncertainty and doubt when faced with new competition. How do you decide what will be the next big thing in technology?
New products promise a compelling increase in performance, efficiency, productivity or end results. Sometimes these improvements justify an immediate rip and replace, but it’s more likely that a careful evolutionary approach is warranted. For example, big data presents a potentially disruptive opportunity. The amount of interesting and available data is growing fast. Our competitive natures make us want to mine all the value out of it as quickly as we can. In response, a multitude of emerging infrastructure systems offers to help us cruise through these floods of data. It can be hard to know where to look first.
In this column, I [will] explore new approaches to big data inspired by advances in high-performance computing, Web-scale applications and supercomputing architecture, including new forms of distributed storage, in-memory processing, cross-cloud workflows and scale-out processing platforms like Hadoop….
…(read the complete as-published article there)